Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Fantasy and Beauty

When I look at this door, it makes me think of a children's story; a fairy tale about a modest king. I seriously doubt that a modest king lives behind this door, but there is a modest king that lives above it. And there above him is his coat of arms to show what his lineage is...if you are familiar with coats of arms! This door and frame is all rather fun and fantasy filled...even the king's hair (or is that a sort of hat?) is all curly-cues!!

But let's get to the important part here...the door...well, in this case we have the wrought-iron gate which is lovely and effective. The flowing lines of the gate are gentle and easy-going, but they don't let you forget the gate's function. We see the gate a second time in the door's reflection and it repeats elements that render it so endearing. The door itself, is unfortunately lost in the dark depths of the foyer, but I am so mesmerized by the 'show' in front of it that I can't believe that the door itself is anything but lovely as well. It need not be too complicated since the show is (and our eyes are) centered on the wrought-iron gate that protects the door!!


Wanda..... said...

You come across such outstanding doors. This is a fine one!

Jacqueline said...

It is very lovely, but it does look like a door opens for a fairy tale to begin....

Malyss said...

It could perfectly be the entrance of a strange little kingdom..

My Mind's Eye said...

This is definitely a well loved and pampered door that says 'look at me'!!
Madi and Mom