Saturday, 27 February 2010

Sad Door Saturday's Saturday. I hope as you are reading this you are in the company of a nice cup of java or tea (as you prefer) and that you have your feet up.

Here at The Door Hunter, I've decided to dedicate Saturdays to 'sad' doors because sad doors need to be noticed and loved too. Today's sad door is truly sad. Actually, I think I can hear it whimpering every time I go by it. Poor, poor little door. It has such potential, but it is so abused and unloved...If there was a Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Doors, I'd be on the phone right away trying to get help for this little door. But since there isn't, I will just have to hope that one day someone will love it for it's beauty and take care of it...afterall, it was once loved and decorated... it is badly mistreated...and badly handled. Poor, sad door.


Malyss said...

For my benches , I created the M.L.B. (movement of liberation of the benches)made to protect the poor benches which were "decorated" with graffitis, destroyed, abandoned...You could create a MLD!

My Mind's Eye said...

As a child when we saw writing on things my mom would say, "fool's names like their faces are always seen in public places!!!" This certainly applies to the disrespect shown to this beautiful door. My hubby visits this site a lot...he says your descriptions of each door are excellent!!!
Madi and Mom

Heather Baird said...

It's still pretty, even in that terrible state of disrepair. I like your idea for the SPCD! Made me smile.

Malyss said...

The last picture of bench was not taken in Annecy but in an other french town called BOURGES.That's right in the middle of France.