Starting today, on the last day of each month I will feature doors that have been photographed and sent to me by readers of this blog. This new monthly post will be called 'Your Doors' and everyone is welcome to submit their favourite door photo(s) at the email address to the right.
To start off this new 'feature' and in keeping with my Monday 'Colourful Door' theme, I will post 3 - yes T H R E E (!) colourful doors all sent to me by Malyss who lives in France and has a wonderful blog about benches. Please be sure to visit and follow her blog at: Benches on My Way. As you will see, Malyss is to benches what I am to doors!! I'm sure you will enjoy her blog as much as I do.
Malyss took these pictures while visiting the city of Lyon (France). Thank you so much Malyss for sharing your door discoveries!! I love all the door pictures that you sent to me and hope that you will forgive me for not being able to post them all at one time!!

A nice cool blue that calms and soothes. The little door/window above the door is fabulous! How original...I have never seen one of these before!! In comparison to this window, a little peephole in the door is sooo boring!! This window allows you to stick your whole head out and get a good look at who is in front of your door...and if the are hiding a bouquet of flowers for you behind their back!!