Wednesday, 5 May 2010

The House of the Reclining Lady?

As I mentioned in earlier posts, it used to be that there were no house numbers on buildings, but rather they were identifiable by an image or sculpture found on the building (e.g. the House of the White Boot - see post of 21 April 2010, the House of the Stone Ram - see post of 8 April 2010). Based on that premise, could we then call this the House of the Reclining Lady? Sometimes the name is actually written on the house along side the image, but in this case, I didn't find any such wording.


Remington said...

You find such interesting things! I just love your blog! Thank you!

Pat Tillett said...

That would be one title for it! I'm sure there were others...

Heather Baird said...

Wow, I really love this one. Thanks for sharing!!

Malyss said...

No matter the name, this one is really wonderful! great Art deco!This sculpture above is wonderful!

My Mind's Eye said...

I love the color. One of the things I so enjoyed in Prague was the colors of the buildings. Especially when the sun was setting.
Such a beautiful city.
Madi and Mom